fredag 1 november 2013

Cure Diabetes Naturally Review | Natural and Holistic Treatment to Reverse Diabetes

Nearly 28 million people are diagnosed with diabetes currently in the U.S. — over 220 million in the world. What's more, about 7 million have the disease but are not diagnosed. Bottom line: about ½ million people in the United States die of diabetes each year.

Because western medicines such as artificial chemicals, pharmaceutical drugs and injections have failed to provide a cure, therefore people are begin to realize that natural treatments are an effective choice to take control of chronic diseases like diabetes. 

As a result, the prevalence of alternative medicine continues to increase every year. In the United States, approximately 38% of adults (about 4 in 10) and approximately 12% of children (about 1 in 9) are using some form alternative treatment. Indeed, according to statistics released in July 2009 from a nationwide government survey, U.S. adults spent $33.9 billion on complementary and alternative medicine.

Believe it or not, all diseases of the body are reversible, but this requires a broad spectrum, holistic approach which includes making healthy lifestyle and dietary changes. It simply does not make sense to expect to be healthy or to cure diseases without having a healthy lifestyle, yet many people try to take this approach, especially through the use of surgeries and drugs.

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