Corporations spend billions of dollars every year trying to keep you fat with the Shiny Object Temptation. You see a commercial on TV telling you how you need this cardio machine to get in shape. Then you see an infomercial telling you you’ve got to buy these workout DVDs. Then you hear an ad on the radio saying that you’ve GOT be eating this pre--packaged diet food. Then you see an ad in a magazine telling you that what you really need to lose weight is this diet pill.
With all the hype that surround "Weight Loss and Fitness" market and massive advertising of Mike Chang's Six Pack Shortcuts that you can find easily all over the internet, I have no doubt that you also "have a big doubt" to this product.
Day after day, you are saturation-bombed by advertising telling you about the latest and greatest fitness trend you NEED to lose weight. You’re conditioned into believing that you should try one thing out, and if that doesn’t work for you, try something else in a few weeks. And if that doesn’t work, try something else.
Nearly 28 million people are diagnosed with diabetes currently in the U.S. — over 220 million in the world. What's more, about 7 million have the disease but are not diagnosed. Bottom line: about ½ million people in the United States die of diabetes each year.
Because western medicines such as artificial chemicals, pharmaceutical drugs and injections have failed to provide a cure, therefore people are begin to realize that natural treatments are an effective choice to take control of chronic diseases like diabetes.
As a result, the prevalence of alternative medicine continues to increase every year. In the United States, approximately 38% of adults (about 4 in 10) and approximately 12% of children (about 1 in 9) are using some form alternative treatment. Indeed, according to statistics released in July 2009 from a nationwide government survey, U.S. adults spent $33.9 billion on complementary and alternative medicine.
Believe it or not, all diseases of the body are reversible, but this requires a broad spectrum, holistic approach which includes making healthy lifestyle and dietary changes. It simply does not make sense to expect to be healthy or to cure diseases without having a healthy lifestyle, yet many people try to take this approach, especially through the use of surgeries and drugs.
Despite an ever increasing list of grow taller products and scams, the Internet seems insatiable in terms of product deceptions. And with the addition of each new, misleading, over-hyped product, the height increase industry becomes increasingly more toxic every year. These products speak of unrealistic results just as a way to deceive honest consumers looking to increase their height in buying their products.
How can we as consumers avoid falling victim to such scams? The answer may be simpler than you think – education.
Once we become skilled at spotting questionable products, we are capable of separating the illegitimate sites and claims from those with genuine potential.
Today, we'll be looking at the Grow Taller 4 Idiots, a growth increasing program created by Darwin Smith. Is it just a scam, an over-hyped system or what?